Mojito Mint Fruit Salad


In addition to a prolific lemon balm planting, I also have a box of mojito mint.  It is an exceptional and prolific producer and the kids pluck off sprigs to eat whenever they walk by.  Hubby loves mojitos and I do have a fantastic recipe that I finally got from a friend, but for our letter M alphabet challenge I decided to go with something related but slightly different.  Enter Mojito dressed fruit salad!  Bonus M recipe, fresh Mint syrup!  I took some of this fruit salad over to a friend to get a taste test and they approved enough to demand the recipe, twice, and start their own mint syrup before I even made it back home to email the recipe.  Eldest kiddo thought it was really good plain, but with a dollop of whipped cream, completely phenomenal.  It's a real treat either way, refreshing and sweet.  Our first half batch only lasted 6 hours.

Keep mint contained!

Mojito Mint Fruit Salad

3 cups fresh strawberries, quartered
2 cups fresh blueberries
2 medium Granny Smith apples, cubed
2 cups cubed fresh pineapple
3 tbsp lime juice (I used the juice of one whole lime for a half batch)
1 tsp grated lime zest
½ cup rich mint syrup: recipe follows
6 tbsp light rum (substitute pineapple or apple juice if no alcohol is desired)
2 tbsp minced fresh mint (can be omitted if using mint syrup)
Fresh mint leaves for garnish, optional

In a large bowl, combine all the fruit. In a small bowl, whisk together lime juice, mint syrup, rum, zest, and mint. Pour over fruit; toss to coat.  Chill for 30 minutes to let flavors meld.  Taste and add another tbsp or two of mint syrup to balance the tartness to personal preference.  Serve in dishes with the dressing, add a little whipped cream on top if desired for a special treat.

Rich Mint Syrup
*(to make a simple syrup, use 2 cups water)

2 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 cup mint leaves, firmly packed

In a small pot, combine water and sugar.  Roughly chop or tear the mint leaves.  Bring sugar mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring to dissolve.  Remove from heat and immediately stir in mint leaves. Cover and allow the mint leaves to steep in the syrup mixture for at least an hour.  The longer it steeps, the more color and flavor will develop.  Use a fine mesh strainer to remove the leaves and transfer the cooled syrup into a jar.  Store in the refrigerator for two to three weeks.  Discard if it becomes cloudy.  (Rich syrup will last longer than simple syrup under equal conditions.)

Fresh off the stems.

First steep, one hour.

Reheated and added a fresh batch of mint.

Steeped one more hour for more flavor.

Rich mint syrup for drinks and dressings!

Check out the rest of our M recipes:



  1. What a fresh twist on fruit salad! I will be making your mint syrup for sure!

  2. We have to keep mint in pots or it totally takes over. This fruit salad sounds delicious. I'll take mine with whipped cream =)

  3. I have never heard of mojito mint. But I can't wait to try this with the mint that we have in our yard. I believe it's a chocolate mint.

  4. Mojito Mint Fruit Salad sounds so delicious. I wouldn't mind having it with some fresh cream. As for the mint syrup, brilliant idea. Perfect way to use up mint.

  5. Looks so yum, can't wait to try this1

  6. Fruit salad with rum? Sign me up!!! What a great fresh way to end a summer meal! - Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  7. Yummy salad! I loved the mint syrup.

    1. I am looking forward to trying it in other ways too!

  8. I can think of so many recipes to use this mint syrup in! Love mint with fresh fruit!


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