Layered Berry Panna Cotta

Panna Cotta is an easy, creamy, make ahead dessert that does not require the oven to be turned on.  This version is beautifully impressive and still easy, but it's easy in three steps, which takes more time.  Make it the day before!

For straight sided dishes, make the recipe as listed; for tapered dishes, the final layer may need to be increased for even layering.  For my conical dishes, I made a batch and a half.  This recipe could also be made in wine glasses and would probably yield around 12+ smaller servings.  This can be halved for smaller families.  Panna Cotta is rich and very satisfying with just a small serving!  (I do recommend making them small.)  Surprisingly, hubby who is normally sweet averse has really enjoyed these!  He likes that they are so satisfying. 

Layered Berry Panna Cotta
makes 10-12 servings

Raspberry Layer:

    1 cup half and half
    ½ cup heavy cream
    ¼ cup granulated white sugar
    1 cup freeze dried raspberries, crushed
    1½ tsp unflavored gelatin
    2 tbsp cold water.

Vanilla Layer:

    1 cup half and half
    ½ cup heavy cream or canned coconut milk
    ¼ cup granulated white sugar
    1 tbsp vanilla or amaretto
    1½ tsp unflavored gelatin
    1 tbsp cold water.

Blueberry Layer:

    1 cup half and half
    ½ cup heavy cream
    ¼ cup granulated white sugar
    1 cup freeze dried blueberries, lightly crushed
    1½ tsp unflavored gelatin
    2 tbsp cold water.

To make the raspberry layer:

Stir the gelatin into a small glass dish until fully hydrated.  Set it aside to let the gelatin bloom.

In a saucepan, bring all the other ingredients to a simmer over medium low heat.  As soon as the mixture starts to form bubbles around the edges, take it off the heat.  Transfer the mixture to a blender and blend on low for 20 seconds until evenly colored.  

Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds, working with a rubber spatula to press out as much of the liquid as possible.

Microwave the bloomed gelatin for 5-10 seconds until it melts to a liquid. 

Stir the melted gelatin into the cream mixture.  Pour it evenly into 4 dessert serving cups and set it in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours or until firm.  (You may have enough extra with this layer for a spare glass.)

For the vanilla/almond layer:

Stir the gelatin into a small glass dish until fully hydrated.  Set it aside to let the gelatin bloom.

In a saucepan, bring all the other ingredients to a simmer over medium low heat.  As soon as the mixture starts to form bubbles around the edges, take it off the heat.

Microwave the bloomed gelatin for 5-10 seconds until it melts to a liquid. 

Stir the melted gelatin into the cream mixture.  Gently pour* it evenly over the set raspberry layer and set it in the refrigerator for about 3 hours or until firm.

For the blueberry layer:

Stir the gelatin into a small glass dish until fully hydrated.  Set it aside to let the gelatin bloom.

In a saucepan, bring all the other ingredients to a simmer over medium low heat.  As soon as the mixture starts to form bubbles around the edges, take it off the heat

Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove most of the pulp, working with a rubber spatula to press out as much of the liquid as possible.

Microwave the bloomed gelatin for 5-10 seconds until it melts to a liquid. 

Stir the melted gelatin into the cream mixture.  Gently pour* it evenly over the set vanilla layer and set it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight to fully set.  (If you are using tapered glasses, you may need to increase the size of this batch to have an equally sized layer.)

* since the set should be not too firm, it may help to pour subsequent layers into a spoon held over the previous layer, so as not to break the surface of the previous layer.


Check out the rest of our letter P creations!


  1. A beautiful and fun summer dessert. I would love to be served this after a BBQ.

  2. WOW! This is a gorgeous dessert! I would love to have one right away.

  3. Wow, what a pretty panna cotta Kelly. We are a family of panna cotta lovers and this recipe is bookmarked for my next family gathering.

  4. These are super pretty. I love how elegant it is even though it's simple to make... and delicious!

  5. I love the stripes! And I am sure it is delicious, too.

  6. That's delicious and beautifully presented.

  7. This is so pretty! I have gotten it at restaurants before but I definitely need to try making it at home!

  8. I always have to seem freeze-dried berries leftover from other recipes. Now I know what to do with them! - Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen


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