Jamaican Coco Bread #BBB


There's just something satisfying about using up ingredients that you have stashed away.  I had exactly 1 cup + 1½ tbsp of frozen coconut milk leftover from another recipe.  Of course, I ran short on all purpose flour since the weather cooled enough to bake multiple recipes!  So I used fresh ground hard white Edison wheat, sifted,  and bread flour.

Often used for sandwiches and snacking, coco bread is also a perfect soup sopping bread and for mopping up the sauces, gravies and drippings that accompany any meals.  Hubby really liked them just buttered with some jelly.  He got into two before I had even taken photos, and that tells me they were pretty darn good already.  He usually waits for permission!

We would love to have you try out these easy and versatile bread rolls with us this month and share how they turned out and what you thought!  New recipes are posted every other month on the 16th. (Next bake in October 2024).  Check out our Facebook group to see the participants' baking results during that time.  If you would like to post your results with a Buddy badge on a blog, let us know in the comments or on the Facebook page.

Jamaican Coco Bread

For the Dough:
1 cup lukewarm thick coconut milk (242g)
1 tsp instant yeast (I used 2 tsp active dry)
3 tbsp sugar
50 gm unsalted butter, melted
1 egg
3¼ cups all-purpose flour (I used 130g sifted fresh ground Edison and about 285g bread flour)
1 tsp sea salt

For Brushing on the Dough:
25 gm unsalted butter, melted
2 tbsp coconut oil

Mix the lukewarm coconut milk, melted butter, sugar and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer until yeast is thoroughly combined, and leave for about 5 minutes to activate.  Add in the egg, flour and salt.

Knead until you have a soft, smooth, and elastic dough that is no longer sticky. Add a spoonful or two of flour as necessary to achieve this consistency. The dough should spring back slightly when you press it down gently.

Shape the dough into a ball and place in a bowl or dough bucket. Cover and let the dough double in size. This should take about 2 hours or so depending on ambient temperature.

Mix together melted butter and coconut oil in a small bowl.  (I used my leftover coconut milk.)

Lightly dust a work surface with flour and lightly knead the dough. Divide into 8 equal portions. Shape each into a smooth ball and then roll out to 1/4-inch thick circles (about 6-inches in diameter), or thinner if you prefer.  Brush the surface of the dough circles with the butter-oil mixture (coconut milk). Fold over evenly into half-moon shapes.

Place the folded dough on a lightly greased or parchment lined baking sheet. Brush the tops of the folded dough with some more of the butter-oil mixture. You can also brush the tops of the folded dough with just melted butter or coconut milk, if you prefer.  I left mine plain.

Loosely cover them and allow to rise for about 30 to 40 minutes. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC (350ºF) for about 15 minutes or till they’re golden brown and done. Let them cool on a wire rack. Serve slightly warm, plain or as a sandwich, according to preference.


Breakfast style with chorizo eggs.

Butter and jelly as an accompaniment.

The rest of the Bread Baking Babes



  1. I love the deeper color on these! Great idea to make breakfast sandwiches!

    1. Hehe, I actually turned on the broiler for a minute for more color at the end, and they got a tiny bit darker than I intended, but they still tasted great!

  2. Lovely browning! Great idea to use the broiler. I love all of your sandwich ideas. I pretty much enjoyed mine plain with butter.

  3. You stuffed your rolls - that look fabulous - with chorizo eggs!! How bold!

    Cathy, we did the same thing. I even ate one of the buns plain. And it was hardly plain; it was delicious!

  4. I love a sweet bread for breakfast.... I can see it with goat cheese.

    1. Oh yes, tangy goat cheese and sweet jam? Yum! Would be fantastic with mascarpone too.

  5. These are perfect for using up extra coconut milk. I loved them toasted with lots of butter!


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