Peach and Lavender Crumb Muffins

Some recipes lend themselves perfectly to using up ingredients that have mysteriously multiplied in the freezer.  I had four bags of opened and unopened varieties of pearl and quick cooking barley, so when I saw this recipe in one of my often perused cookbooks, I knew it would be perfect for a muffin Monday.  I ground up what I need by weight, so convenient, and now I am down to just 3 containers!

Having just made a nectarine and lavender dessert, I can attest to how well the flavors pair.  Peach is quite similar after all.  I did cut back on the lavender just a bit because while I like the fragrance, I don't want soapy tasting baked goods.  I prefer the subtle, je ne sais quoi appeal to the "oh, wow, that's some lavender!"  Feel free to use either fresh or frozen peaches, but make sure they are mostly thawed before adding to the batter or the muffins may be under-cooked in the middle.  This is a very lightly sweetened muffin and they are lovely with or without the icing drizzle.  (For reference, a coffee house muffin would likely be twice as sweet if not more.)  It is definitively a muffin and not a cupcake masquerading as a muffin, so if that appeals, this is definitely one to try.  The lavender, at the right level, is almost like a floral cinnamon, so if lavender is not available or just doesn't appeal, these muffins would be nice with a little cinnamon instead.

Oh, and they smell absolutely wonderful while baking!

Peach and Lavender Crumb Muffins
from Sourdough: Recipes for Rustic Fermented Breads, Sweets, Savories, and More
make 8 Jumbo or ~18 standard muffins

Crumb Topping:
70g barley flour
25g sugar
45g butter
65g pecans, chopped

1-1½ tbsp dried culinary lavender (original calls for 2 tbsp, I used 1½ and that was plenty)
135g barley flour
135g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp sea salt
1½ tsp lemon zest
100g granulated sugar
115g butter, softened
1 egg
40g honey or golden syrup
1 tsp vanilla
200g sourdough starter (100% hydration)
285g whole milk (I used half milk and half buttermilk because I ran out of milk)
225g fresh peaches, chopped

Glaze (optional):
1 cup powdered sugar
½ tsp vanilla
~2 tbsp milk, enough to achieve drizzle consistency

Preheat oven to 400ºF.  Lightly grease papers for 8 jumbo muffin cups or about 18 standard muffin cups.

Make the crumb topping: whisk together the barley flour and sugar in a bowl.  Rub the butter in with your fingers until it is a mealy texture.  Toss in the pecans and set aside.

With a mortar and pestle, pound the lavender and 1 tsp of the sugar together until crushed.  Whisk together with the flours, baking powder and soda, and salt, in a bowl.  In a bowl, rub the lemon zest into the sugar with your fingers until evenly mixed.  Add the lemon sugar and butter to a stand mixer or large bowl and beat until pale and fluffy, about 5 minutes.  Beat in the egg, honey or syrup, and vanilla.  Add the starter and mix just to combine, then stir in the milk.  Add the flour mixture in three batches, stirring only to just combine.  Fold in the peaches.

 Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups.  Fill to about ½ inch from the top edge and top each with the top crumb topping.

Bake for 24-26 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.  (About 200-205ºF internal temp.)  Cool on a wire rack.

While the muffins are baking, make the glaze by combining the powdered sugar, vanilla, and enough milk to make a drizzle.  Once the muffins have cooled slightly, drizzle each with some of the glaze.

Here are some more muffins for your Monday:



  1. I have that book! I'm going to have to revisit it! Your muffins sound so good and I love the opportunity to use up ingredients. I'm overrun with them.

    1. Hehe, I figured you would know it: we have both made the peach amaranth muffins from it as well!


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