Strawberry Mint Spritzers

We're getting to the end of strawberry and mint season.  Well, the mint is still growing, it's just trying to flower all the time.  For this S recipe, I bought strawberries since mine are done, but I used my nicer mint plant.  This is a nice syrup for drinks, easily made as light as an Italian soda, or as sweet as a Shirley Temple for kids.  Totally flexible for taste.  Sometimes I like just the smallest hint of flavor and sometimes I want a nice, sweet homemade soda.  We all really enjoyed this flavor combination, my friends as well, and because it is a thicker syrup it will last a week or three in the fridge.  Do watch it for cloudiness though as this will not last quite as long as a rich syrup.

Strawberry Mint Spritzers
makes about 1½ cups syrup

1½ cups (12 oz) water
scant ⅛ tsp kosher salt
2 cups sugar
3 cups (~14 oz) sliced strawberries
½ cup mint leaves, lightly packed (I used Swiss Ricola mint this time)
1" chunk fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced
Prosecco and/or plain seltzer for serving
strawberries and mint leaves for garnish

Bring the water and salt to a boil in a 2 qt saucepan. Stir in the sugar until it dissolves, then turn off the heat.

Add the strawberries, mint leaves, and sliced ginger, cover and allow to cool to room temperature.  Place in a covered container and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, strain the liquid into a clean jar, using a fine mesh strainer or cheese cloth.  Store, refrigerated until ready to mix the spritzers.

To serve, put two or three ice cubes in a cocktail glass, pour syrup over the ice, and top with Prosecco or seltzer.  Garnish with a fresh strawberry and a sprig of mint.  Stir to combine.  For a lowball or old fashioned glass, I recommend 2-3 tbsp to sweetness preference and for a pint or highball glass, 4-5 tbsp to taste.

 Be sure to check out some more letter S recipes:


  1. Love this recipe, perfect for when I have guests over as I can make the strawberry syrup ahead. With prosecco, now that is what I'd love to try.

  2. That first photo is a work of art! Jealous that you can grow strawberries!

    1. Yeah, because the syrup is richer than a simple syrup, as long as you are pouring the seltzer over the ice cubes and not directly into the syrup, it layers really easily! It's fun to stir up.

  3. Strawberry and ginger together sounds amazing! I am considering growing mint next year, any tips?

    1. There are so many mint varieties! Number one tip: KEEP IT CONTAINED. As a rule, mint spreads. My mojito mint has been wonderfully prolific and hardy, as has my Swiss ricola mint. A good peppermint usually does well, and orange and chocolate mint tend to do well. I have found that varieties like pineapple, apple, ginger, grapefruit, and some other specialty mints tend to be a little more tender. I had peppermint and mojito mint together in one planter and the mojito won. They do well in planters though, so it's possible to get a bunch to try! Fresh mint tea is delicious and fresh mint added to lots of drinks and lemonades is lovely too. I've never actually tried a mint jelly yet!

  4. This sounds delicious...if only my mint was still thriving. This summer has been so dry...and I have not been too great at watering it regularly. I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for fresh mint the next time I am at the market!

  5. I love the strawberry ginger and mint flavor profile. I am going to try this for this weekend.


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